Rainbow Huna
The New Huna Teachings
Rainbow Huna
The New Huna Teachings
Kawika David
The Spirit of Aloha!
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Kawika David
The Spirit of Aloha!
Kawika David
The Spirit of Aloha!

Kawika David Quick Bio Expertise and Experience
Kawika David is the author of The One Heart System
of Healing, Empowerment & InVision. Imagination
The Pyramid of Extraordinary Consciousness
The Spirit of Aloha! The 3 Wishes Meditation
The Spirit of Magic! The Wave of Light
The Spirit of One! Ascension to Atonement
The Diamond of Life & Living, with & without Suffering
David is a teacher of transpersonal psychology, metaphysics, neurolinguistics and the sacred spiritual teachings of Hawaiian Huna and Tibetan Buddhism.
He is the developer, designer and diviner of
Kahililani Rainbow Huna & The Teachings of Aloha!
The Spirit of Aloha!
& The 3 Wishes Meditation
The Oneness Day WorkShop!
Saturday, April TBA, 2025
Spring Forward
Surf the Wave of Light!
Spring Forward 2025
Pass the Spirit, Surf the Wave!
Welcome to the New Launch
of my Ever Evolving website.
Join the Spring Forward Wave! There will be more Social Surfing for You to View, soon.
& The Wave of Light! is free!
The Wave of Light!
will show you how...
to enhance your inner,
to advance your outer,
progress in life!
& Enlighten YourSelf
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The Wave of Light!
...is free
Magic in Action!
Pass the Spirit
Surf the Wave!
By Kawika David
Kahu Huna Kahililani
The Spirit of the Rainbow
Say Yes! to a New Life
New Victoria ZoomShops
or WorkShops One to One
David text is best! 778 587 7378
Self Mastery, Personal Freedom, Happyness & Success
As a healer in life I recognize & acknowledge the sufferings of others & I am blessed to be able to do something about it.
As a teacher of consciousness
I initiate & attune students
to the definitive differences between ego & spirit, ordinary & extraordinary reality.
As a leader of light I realize
the profound import of living a life in alignment & co creation with the Spirit, the Higher Self.
This is, my Wish for EveryOne.
Purpose & Mission
Mastery is my express intent and all consuming passion.
And, fascination.The process is wonderful, full of wonder.
To be exemplary in my role and responsibilities as a leader
of light and a teacher of extraordinary consciousness.
To further divine, develop and demystify spiritual teachings
to make them practical, pragmatic, simple and straight
forward, highly relevant to the immediate now of the future.
To awaken students to their highest spiritual reality,
the divinity and destiny of The Spirit, their Higher Self
through meditation, sacred initiations and attunements.
To provide students with the Spiritual Awakeness
to expand and express the P's & Q's, the principles
and qualities of a Crystal Clear Consciousness.
FutureProof your Life!
"life is not the new normal,
life is now surreal and for real, it's time to be prepared
for a new surreality"
"it's time to get real,
really real"
Kawika David
Look Forward Live Forward Move Forward
"which is by the way, the only way that is actually possible"
"now is the time to both strengthen and transcend the ordinary reality of the ego to include the extraordinary
reality of the spirit, to make what is destined, possible,
to prepare for the eventualities of the future"
"it is now time to move past the past,
to move your life forward, for real" "If not now, when?"
The Spirit of Hawai'i
"He said a prayer and touched my hand, then wishpered a sacred chant that I had thought was only a myth. Within seconds, my consciousness began to melt
into a pool of liquid nothingness.
Then just as quickly I was expanded into a golden ball of sunlight. For what seemed like an eternity I was surrounded by an overwhelming experience of love, that I somehow knew
was of myself, my Higher Self
and then I lost consciousness...
When I awoke I knew my life had been positively changed forever.
And, my destiny had just begun
in a way I had never dreamed,
wished nor imagined.
I had been divinely blessed by The Kahuna of Victorious Light
and The Spirit of Aloha!"
Kawika David
The Spirit of the Rainbow
Quick Bio Expertise and Experience
First and foremost David is a Realist, whose specialties are Consciousness, Awareness, Spiritual Awakeness & Reality.
Since his first of many spiritual awakenings David has 33 years of experience travelling & teachingThe Spirit of Aloha!
to thousands of students from Hawai'i to Australia,
to the West Coast of Canada and the USA. And, beyond!
While living in Hawai'i Kawika David had the rare and unprecedented opportunity to train with Master Kahuna, Lanakilakeikiahiali'i, The Victorious Light, Uncle George Nai'ope as an Alakai'i, a student teacher and leader.
After many years of teaching in the traditional ways,
David rose up to a profound and ever expanding
level of conscious awareness that both contributed to
and, furthered the sacred Hawaiian Huna teachings.
As times change, teachings evolve.
This transformation lead to the permission and rite
to his entitlement into the sacred Hawaiian lineage of
The Victorious Light as Kahu Huna Kahililani,
The Spirit of the Rainbow!
The Wave of Light! is free!
Self Mastery
Personal Freedom Happyness & Success
Out of the Blue!
The Wave! is ready for you!
FutureProof your Life! Do something Extraordinary!
![13[1] - Copy.jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/3a750e_d3ab5c0e9fe54a85944552b842ad5c3d~mv2.jpg/v1/crop/x_0,y_1,w_352,h_494/fill/w_274,h_385,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/13%5B1%5D%20-%20Copy.jpg)
Kawika David
Kahu Huna Kahililani
The Spirit of the Rainbow
Pass the Spirit
Surf the Wave!
The Wave of Light!
ExtraOrdinary Magic in Action!
Out of the Blue ... to You!
The Wave of Light!
is written to assist you to create and manifest your future.
It will enable you through the secrets to self mastery, personal freedom, abundance, happyness & success.
The purpose of The Wave of Light! is to move you forward
in life. And, moving forward is by the way, the only way to go. Live Life Looking Forward to a NewLife in 2025!
It will enlighten you with guidance and direction, one that is... simple, succinct, straightforward and straight forward!
It will empower you with principles and practices
that are the magic of the how to's & the to do's to...
Enhance your inner to advance your outer progress in life.
The Oneness Day
The Spirit of Aloha!
& The 3 Wishes Meditation
Invest in YourSelf
Invest in Success
FutureProof YourSelf!
The One Day WorkShop!
Saturday, April, TBA, 2025
DeMystify your Life!​​​​​
Take a Day Out...
& Do something Extraordinary!
​Pass the Spirit, Surf the Wave!
​​Kawika David
Enter the Blue kawikaspiritaloha@gmail
Text is Best 778 587 7378
​​Pass the Magic Surf the Wave!
​​Aloha All,
I live a lifestyle of synchronicity, passionation, wonder
& Magic! And, this Spring I am curious and wondering
who will magically appear & Enter Into the Blue
from Out of the Blue.​ Magic is Everywhere!