Rainbow Huna
The New Huna Teachings
Rainbow Huna
The New Huna Teachings
Kawika David
The Spirit of Aloha!
Zoom In! to YourSelf!
Zoom In! to YourSelf!
Kawika David
The Spirit of Aloha!
Zoom In!
to Meet Up!
Spring Forward Victoria!
Zoom Into YourSelf
New NewLife Programs
Available in both Up! Online
or In! 4 person MeetUp groups.
Life Reality Options!
Meet Up! or Meet In!
Meet In! ... at Cook & View
1st Launch & Lunch!
Each workshop is a 11/2 hour+ introduction to the primary teachings of Kawika David. May 7, 14, 21 & 28.
Each WorkShop will include both the instruction and the activation of One of the NewLife Programs Practices
Meet Up! ... for You to View
1st Launch No Lunch! Smile!
Each ZoomShop is a mirror to the above and all details are outlined below.
June 7, 14, 21 & 28th
You are You!
Express yourSelf
Invest in yourSelf
The Magic is Within
Zoom Into YourSelf or Workshop One to One
Inspire YourSelf
Meet Up Programs
or WorkShops
One to One in Victoria
$Invest in YourSelf
You to View
Each Program features a 11/2 hour+ introduction to the primary teachings of Kawika David.
Benefits include both the instruction and the activation of one of the invaluable sacred Rainbow Huna practices.
Investment is $50.00 each workshop.
RealLife Reality Programs
WaveFlow your Life!
Extensive LifeReality Options
New LifeStyle Programs
SameSame yet different in delivery!
May WorkShops
My nice yet small living office space comfortably holds only four spirits to allow for the sacred breath, energy and movement practices.
There are four 11/2 hour + Meet Ins! starting May, 7th.
Saturdays 10am - 11:30 with a light lunch after and an open frame question & answer session on the garden deck.
June ZoomShops
There are four 11/2 hour + Meet Ups! starting May, 7th.
Saturdays 10am - 11:30 + optional time for Q & A's.
ZoomShops are limited to 8 participants as I wish to be able to clearly see and communicate individually through Zoom.
Investment is $50.00 each workshop.
Promoters & Sponsors
Island MeetUps
Victoria, Nanaimo, Vancouver
Victoria, Nanaimo, Vancouver
Happyness & Success
The 3 Practices
meetup buddhism
hawaiian huna
The Pyramid of
ExtraOrdinary Consciousness
4 benefits in the series
will center
spirit blessings
The Trilogy of ExtraOrdinary Consciousness
the trilogy... cornerstones to capstones
The XO Pyramid
The 3 Spirits
The 4 Challenges
The Wish
The 3 Wishes Meditation
Ha Breath of Life
Kala Purification Rite
High Self Meditation
Spiritual Initiation & Attunement
personal, psychological, physiological
The Wave
The Wave of Light
The Light of the Will
Engaging your Wave
The Rite of Permission
Activation & Actionation
The Wave
The Wave of Light
The Light of the Will
Engaging your Wave
The Rite of Permission
Activation & Actionation
The Pyramid of ExtraOrdinary Consciousness
Explore the Pyramid.., the definitive differences
between Egoic Empowerment & Spiritual Enlightenment.
Manifest Divinity
Destiny of High Self is you
Mastery of Self requires the transcendence of self
by Duality Ascension and Atonement
The 3 Wishes Meditation
The Spirit of Aloha
features The 7 Practices of Light, the breath, energy
and meditation practices that quickly calm, centre
and balance your mind and emotions. Refresh,
recharge and energize yourself in only 4 minutes a day.
ExtraOrdinary Magic in Action
Explore the definitive differences between Ordinary
and ExtraOrdinary Consciousness, to your Reality
Activation & Actionation
The All in One
The 3 Spirits Lite Program
The Pyramid of ...
ExtraOrdinary Consciousness
The UnDuality Process
Permission & Transmission
The Spirit of Aloha!
& The 3 Wishes Meditation
The Spirit of Aloha
The 3 Wishes Meditation
The 7 Practices of an
ExtraOrdinary Consciousness
Spiritual Empowerment
The Spirit of Magic!
& The Wave of Light!
The Spirit of Magic
The Wave of Light
The 7 Principles of an
ExtraOrdinary Consciousness
Psychological Empowerment
The Wave of Light
Magic & Manifest Desting
features The 7 Principles of Light, to create the magic to manifest your purpose, mission and goals in life.
Activation of The Will of the Spirit to Engage your Wave
Within, in alignment and co creation with your Higher Self.
The Spirit of One!
Ascension to Atonement
The Spirit of One
Ascension to Atonement
The Principles & Practices
of The Master Teachers
Spiritual Enlightenment
The Ascent to Atonement
The Waves of Life
The Spirit of One
features Empowerment vs Enlightenment and the definitive differences between the two. The Pyramid of Extraordinary Consciousness acts as a star map to the evolution of conscious awareness, your spiritual role in life... and, why?
Promoters & Sponsors
Victoria, Nanaimo, Vancouver
Victoria, Nanaimo, Vancouver
Happyness & Success