Rainbow Huna
The New Huna Teachings
Rainbow Huna
The New Huna Teachings
Kawika David
The Spirit of Aloha!
Zoom In! to YourSelf!
Zoom In! to YourSelf!
Kawika David
The Spirit of Aloha!
The Wave
of Light! is free!
Out of the Blue ... to You!
FutureProof your Life!
The Wave
of Light!
is free
FutureProof your Life Now
The Wave UpDate!
Due to the Unscheduled Global Haitus these past few years
I decided to UpDate all my publications to reflect, respond
and ProAct to the New Worlds surreal realities of the future.
The Wave Will be Surfing your Way, Soon!
Kawika David
Kahu Huna Kahililani
The Spirit of the Rainbow
Pass the Spirit
Surf the Wave!
The Wave of Light!
ExtraOrdinary Magic in Action!
Out of the Blue ... to You!
The Wave of Light!
is a 44 page FreeBook, in its entirety and it is entirely free.
It is an InValuable Introduction to the principles
& practices taught within The Spirit of Aloha!
& The Spirit of Magic! WorkShops in Victoria.
Pass the Spirit, Surf the Wave!
This book is for anyone, whether you are beginning on your spiritual journey or advanced in your spiritual quest.
Its purpose is to enlighten and empower you on your path
of personal growth and spiritual development.
Coming Soon to your City to a Beach near you!
The Magic
There is no mystery to magic!
Secrets are only Secrets as they are uncommon, not obvious to ordinary consc knowledge. two kinds Once known they become common knowledge
There are universal Principles that divine and define the parameters of all existence.
And there are principles align and cocreate with and within.
Pass the Magic, Surf he Wave!
Magic is not hoodoo, it is very, very real.
Magic is simply the practice of making your dreams reality.
It is the practice of taking your creative imaginations and putting them into action, until they become real.
There are two aspects to the dynamics of magic.
There is your inner magic and your outer magic.
Your inner magic is what you do inside of yourself. It is the inner development of your purpose, mission and goals in life.
Your outer magic is what you do outside of yourself. It is the outer development of your purpose, mission and goals in life.
Magic is the realization of both your inner and outer potentials, the process of inner fulfilment and outer achievements in life.
Every Action is a Magical Action
Magic is the art of willful change of both your internal and external realities, as they reflect each other. They act and interact with each other. Magic works both ways. Every action is a magical interaction. Every interaction is a magical inner action as well as a magical outer action. What is extraordinary about magic is two things.
Magic DeMystified
As Within
The Wave of Light is your Inner Internet
The Wave of Light will show you how to enhance your inner world, to advance your outer reality.
How to enhance your inner to advance your outer progress in life.
The Secrets
Secrets are only secrets
not common knowlegde