Rainbow Huna
The New Huna Teachings
Rainbow Huna
The New Huna Teachings
Kawika David
The Spirit of Aloha!
Zoom In! to YourSelf!
Zoom In! to YourSelf!
Kawika David
The Spirit of Aloha!
$ Programs
FlexFlow your Life Today!
& LifeStyle
Programs for Life!
NewLife Programs for Life!
Two Programs, three levels & two ways for You to View!
LifeReality Programs
The Spirit of Aloha, The Spirit of Magic & The Spirit of One
LifeStyle Programs
The Wish, The Wave & The All in One
Enter Into the Blue!
One Hour Free Action Plan
Straight Up!
& StraightForward!
Kawika David 778 587-7378
You... are You!
"I do not know who you are, what you are, where you've been, where you are going or where you are right now
in your life?" Do you want to know?
Call Now! text is best! Why not?
LifeReality Programs
Reality Programs for Life!
Advanced Intensives for those who Go for It!
LifeReality Programs
FullFill your Life!
Extensive LifeReality Options
The Spirit of Aloha
The Spirit of Magic
The Spirit of One
Advanced Intensives
30 Day Challenges
Eternal Benefits
Spiritual Empowerment
Personal Empowerment
Spiritual Enlightenment
Look Live MoveForward for Life
Reality Programs for Life!
LifeReality Programs are are extensive and expansive.
Eight to twelve 1-11/2 hr sessions over 30 to 45 days
to review and redoing your Life Reality, for Real.
Advanced Intensives for those on the go who Go for It!
You're the It!
Sacred Initiation & Attunements.
Mentoring and OnGoing Support during and after
with a 90 day challenge and RealLife action plan.
LifeReality Programs range from $800.00 to $1200.00
Live a Spiritually Conscious Life Reality!
LifeReality Programs
The Spirit of Aloha
The 3 Wishes Meditation
The 7 Practices of an
ExtraOrdinary Consciousness
Spiritual Empowerment
The Spirit of Magic
The Wave of Light
The 7 Principles of an
ExtraOrdinary Consciousness
Psychological Empowerment
The Spirit of One
Ascension to Atonement
The Principles & Practices
of The Master Teachers
Spiritual Enlightenment
Reality Programs for Life!
The Spirit of Aloha
features The 7 Practices of Light, the breath, energy
and meditation practices that quickly calm, centre
and balance your mind and emotions. Refresh,
recharge and energize yourself in only 4 minutes a day.
The Spirit of Magic
features The 7 Principles of Light, to create the magic to manifest your divine purpose, mission and goals in life.
Activation of The Will of the Spirit to Engage your Wave
Within, in alignment and co creation with your Higher Self.
The Spirit of One
features Empowerment vs Enlightenment and the definitive differences between the two. The Pyramid of Extraordinary Consciousness is a spiritual star map to the evolution of conscious awareness, your spiritual role in life... and, why?
LifeStyle Programs
LifeStyle Programs for Life!
Accelerated Intensives ​for those On the Go!
LifeStyle Programs
FastFlow your Life!
FastTrack LifeStyle Options
The Wish
The Wave
The All in One
Accelerated Intensives
15 Day Challenges
Everlasting Benefits
Spiritual Awakening
Conscious Awareness
Realization & Reality
Look Live MoveForward for Life
LifeStyle Programs for Life!
LifeStyle Programs are quick, easy & affordable.
Three to four andor four to seven 1-11/2 hr sessions over
15 to 30 days to enhance & advance your Life Style, for Life.
Accelerated Intensives ​for those On the Go!
You're the Go!
Activation & Actionations.
OnGoing Support with a 30 day RealLife action plan.
LifeStyle Programs range from $450.00 to $900.00
Live a Consciously Spiritual Life Style!
LifeStyle Programs
The Wish
Spiritual Awakening
Kala Purification Rite
The Ha Breath of Life
The High Self Meditation
Initiation & Attunements
The Wave
Conscious Awareness
Surfing the Wave
The Will of the Wave
The Wave of Life Rite
Activation & Actionations
The All in One
Realization & Reality
DeMystify Life
Destiny & Divinity
The UnDuality Process
Permission & Transmission
LifeStyle Programs for Life!
The Wish
is a practical & pragmatic FastTrack Option to Accelerate Spiritual Awakening and DeMystify what It! is, the essential elements, how it works, how you will know it and, why?
The Wish features The 3 Wishes Meditation & Initiation, FollowUp Attunements and a 15 Day RealLife Challange.
The Wave
is a practical & pragmatic FastTrack Option to Accelerate Conscious Awareness and DeMystify what It! is, the essential elements, how it works, how you will know it and, why?
The Wave features The Wave of Light Principles & Activation, FollowUp Actionations and a 15 Day RealLife Challange.
The All in One
is a TriTrack Option to Accelerate the Realizations
& Realities of the Divinity of the Destiny of an Advanced You!
The All in One features The UnDuality Process
& The Permission Rites to Life Success.
FollowUps and a 15 Day RealLife FastTrak Challange.
The 4th FastTrack Option
DeMystify your Life!
7 Session Program
Over 4 - 7 Weeks
Awakening & Awareness
The Wish & The Wave!
is a NewTrack Option to align, balance and integrate
The Ego & The Spirit for Accelerated Life Success.
The Wish & Wave feature the how to's & the to do's
to DeMystify, Enhance, Advance & FutureProof your Life.
FollowUps and a 15 Day RealLife FastTrak Challange.
Program Start Up!
is simple and the same
for both NewLife Programs.
Text is Best! at 778 587-7378.
Leave times to call you back.
We can set up a free one hour assessment over coffee or tea in Cook Street Village.
We will determine
which NewLife Program is
most applicable, affordable
and beneficial for you.
Program Start Up!
Finally and, perhaps most importantly we will determine together if we are motivating and inspiring for each other
in a temporary student teacher relationship.
Thats it!
There is no commitment beyond coffee unless the above criterion is co creative and copacetic to both of us. Beyond that, if after the first two One to One sessions you are not crystal clear and intuitively know you've made the Rite choice no further commitment is required.
P.S. It's rarely ever happened. Smile!
My living office is quite nice with an outdoor garden deck, free parking or a 5 minute walk from the bus at Cook & View.
You... are You!
I do not know who you are, what you are, where you've been, where you are going
or where are you right now
in your life? Do you?
The 3 Wishes Meditation
your Higher Self awaits
to be awakened within.
The Wave of Light awaits
to be awakened
and expressed.
Do You!
Why not now?
And, if not now when?